So, it seems that everyone has a tell—you know, that one behavioral clue that you try to keep under wraps to avoid revealing your secrets. Whether your secret is as trivial as having a royal flush in a hand of poker or as major as having a closeted family your significant other doesn’t know about—which, by the way will undoubtedly land you a spot on Maury—everyone has secrets and a tell. Celebs, who are rumored to have love connections here and there, are not exempt. What’s their tell? Turnup collaborations and co-hosted events, apparently. Need some proof? Let’s review the evidence, shall we?
Last week, we brought you RihCaprio and the whole birthday bash, which was allegedly planned and hosted by Mr. DiCaprio himself. And in case you missed the pictorial evidence that has been circulating around the internet for the past 36 hours and counting of the pair in the same room at the same time during the birthday bash, here you go.
In any case, RihCaprio—whom we still feel should be donned RiRio, instead—isn’t the only couple who shares the same tell. Let’s take a moment to talk about the love fest going on between Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill, whose social media accounts reveal much, but so does the canoodling between the couple this past weekend at the Oasis Tent—an event co-hosted by the pair as a turnup celebrating the CIAA activities over the weekend. According to Bossip, the couple was “all smiles” apparently not able to get enough of each other throughout the evening. If the co-hosted event, contagious smiles, and infectious laughter from the pair wasn’t enough, what does Nicki’s not-so-subliminal Instagram post tell you?
*Long Sip*
But sweet nothings wasn’t in the air the entire weekend for Nicki. The rapper—and sometimes singer? (No shade.)—had received a one-two-punch from her Ca$h Money label mate—Christina Millian—in a battle over who owes who royalties for the expression “On Fleek”. We couldn’t be more serious.
Inserting opinions here: Ladies, ladies, grown ladies—does this argument really matter? Besides the absolute pettiness of this battle, hasn’t “On Fleek” been coined one of the terms that we vowed to keep where we found them: in 2014? Although, it was voted Best of 2014 by Man Repeller, and approved to invade 2015. Hmm. We’re not trying to play Devil’s Advocate here, but we are just saying…
Back to regularly scheduled programming: In classic clapback fashion, Christina replied with something shy of a mini-novel to Mrs. Mill Minaj:
Personally, we feel her clapback would’ve been a bit juicier had it included the first line and ended with a classic “Bye, Felicia!,” but we guess she took the sweeter approach. Cue the yawns and pass the tea.
*Sip Sip*
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